Friday, July 23, 2010

Sins Remembered

How smart a lash,
beautified with plastering art.

O heavy burden!

-To die: - to sleep; -
- 'tis a consummation

Sleep of Death
give us pause!

Scorns of time
Pangs of despis'd love
Native hue
Pale cast

Currents turn awry;
when he himself might his quietus make.

Be all my sins remember'd...


1 comment:

  1. Note from me: This is a Salvaged Poem - a term I apply to poems that are created out of random individual words and phrases from another piece of writing (either fiction or non-fiction, or a mix of both). My lecturer calls them 'rescued poems' but I prefer my term. The words are chosen and then re-ordered and given new meaning (something I feel poetry is anyway really).

    The individual words and phrases are from Shakespeare's Hamlet scene as it was the only piece of text I had on my in creative writing class when set the task. So the words are Shakespeare's but the interpretation and phrasing is mine (or yours, depending on how you look at it).

